
Wild Forest Honey

Wild Honey comes from the nectar of wildflowers & wild trees of Forest and hence the name. The taste and composition are said to change with the seasons. What doesn’t change is the endless list of benefits. Wild forest Honey is rich in vitamin C, vitamin B2, B3, B5 and B6, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and zinc. All of which is vital for the body. Wild Honey has anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties as well. In simpler terms, consumption of honey promotes digestive health, fights indigestion, strengthens the immune system and protects the body from conditions like heart disease and cancer. Wild honey helps in curing cough and acts as a soothing agent for sore throats. It is scientifically proven that honey helps those suffering from an upper respiratory infection. During allergy season, a few teaspoons of raw honey couple of times a day prevents the allergy symptoms and helps in treating the allergies. Wild honey has antibacterial properties, and hence is acts as a good healing agent. It treats wounds from abrasions, surgery, bed sores, infections and ulcers. It helps curing sunburns as well. Wild honey is an antiseptic too and prevents the growth of harmful microorganisms. Wild honey is really good for your skin. From treating acne to preventing premature ageing, honey is very beneficial. Honey and Spice gives you the purest Wild Honey fresh from the honeycomb. We don’t pasteurize heat or process the honey. As a result, in the honey dwell all its beneficial antioxidants, vitamins, nutrients and enzymes.

Tulsi Honey (Holy Basil Honey)

Thulasi Honey is very special for obesity treatment and to reduce belly fat in very easy way. Consume Tulsi Honey in Luke warm water (with a half a piece of lemon) in empty stomach every morning to notice the amazing difference it will bring to your body The following are the major health benefits (by daily consuming Tulsi Honey)
Strengthens the immune system (This natural health honey comes packed with various nutrients and vitamins that can nourish your body and keep your immune system working healthy)
Treats common cold, treats cough and other respiratory disorders as it is a natural decongestant
Reduces allergies as this honey comes with antiseptic properties that can soothe your skin and reduce allergies
Best to cure breathing difficulties, Cholesterol, B.P and obesity treatment. Best for students to escape from laziness and to be very active in their study

Coriander Honey

Coriander honey is one of the best natural herbal solution for gas trouble, chest burning and best cure of constipation and flatulence. Coriander honey is a very special type of honey which competes for the best cure of constipation, flatulence, colic, gastritis and ulcers. This honey ensures good digestion and this is where this type of honey actions the best. It is an ideal dressing gastric (due to slightly alkaline pH), protects the liver, prevents nausea, activates blood circulation, stimulates memory, regulates insulin levels and lowers cholesterol

Mustard Honey

Mustard honey is excellent to get relief from Arthritis (arthritis is an inflammatory chronic disorder which affects your joints and other body parts - There are various types of arthritis like vata rakta (gout), juvenile arthritis,sandhi gata vata (osteoarthritis), ama vata (rheumatoid arthritis)), joint pains and to cure many health difficulties related to nerves system. It is mostly used in honey apitherapy – for full body massaging to cure joint pain, muscle pain, Cramp, Numbness, Paralysis, Spasm, Tingle, swelling etc. with best results

Litchi Honey

Litchi Honey is a very tasty honey made by Bees from Litchi Tree flowers. This pure natural organic honey is naturally antibacterial which is great for acne treatment and prevention. Regular use of this honey prevents signs of aging, help remove blemishes and reduce sun burns. It helps to maintain very healthy beautiful skin. This honey good for maintaining body temperature levels. Regular use of this honey ensures good health of lever

Sidr Honey

The Sidr tree is one of the plants on which the honey bees visit to provide us with delicious Sidr honey. The Sidr tree’s leaves, fruit, and seeds come with medicinal characteristics and can be used for the holistic improvement of physical and mental health. Parts of these trees contain Carbohydrates, Protein, Fat, Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Sulphur, Potassium, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, and Sodium which is the same as found in nectar in flowers.

Karanja Honey

Karanja Honey is an important Ayurvedic medicine, used predominantly in skin diseases. Its botanical name is Pongamia pinnata. Hindi name – Dithouri Honey English name – Indian beech honey, Malayalam, Tamil name – Pongum Then Kannada name – Honge mara Honey. This honey is good to treat the skin disorder and skin diseases. This also beneficial in removing headache, joint pain and muscles tissues pains as well.